The following script is one of many drafts and many more to come and is envi- sioned to be an interactive performance between the actors and the audience making use of props that have been specially designed for the performance.
My field work in Bidar took, North Karnataka, led me to think about food and made me see the multi mixed lived realities that people have with food. The intersections with economic status, generational availability and beliefs around food, folktales and the involvement of government interventions displayeda range of perspectives and narratives that people had with food on ground. These people ranged from locals - farmers and non farmers, doctors, politi-cians, health workers and children.
Hence, “Bitter Sweet” is an attempt to create an ensemble of narratives that arise from local food items and personal narratives attached to them.
by Anchita Kaul

I can never possibly thank enough the people of Waldodi who with such grace welcomed me into their homes and kitchens. Despite of the language barriers, they left no leaf unturned in making me feel safe in their space and sharing with me invaluable insights into their lives. I can never possibly thank enough the people from Vollokoti, Hamilapur, ASHA Workers, doctors, nurses, Auto bhaiyas who graced me with their time and conversations that are ultimately shaping this play.
My sincerest gratitude to Ms. Vijaylakshmi of FPAI whose kind words and support helped me widen the scope of my researcah and with such kindness connected me with more people for work on field.